Logistic items
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> articleValues["image_list"] [in template "20101#20128#8870041" at line 132, column 99] ---- Tip: It's the final [] step that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)?? ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign image = (articleValues["image... [in template "20101#20128#8870041" at line 132, column 81] ----
2 /***
4 el contenido del portlet donde esta el campo de busqueda
5 no se edita desde ADT, viene por default
6 ****/
8 .panel-heading {
9 display: none;
10 }
11 .search-bar {
12 border: 0;
13 }
15 .search-bar-simple {
17 padding: 2rem 2rem;
18 background: #eee;
19 border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
20 }
21 .search-bar-simple input {
22 display: block;
23 width: 100%;
24 height: 3.2rem;
25 margin: 0;
26 border: solid 0.125rem rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
27 border-radius: .25rem;
28 background-color: #fff;
29 box-shadow: none;
30 font-size: 1rem;
31 font-weight: normal;
32 color: #333;
33 -webkit-transition: border-color .3s,color .3s,background-color .3s;
34 transition: border-color .3s,color .3s,background-color .3s;
35 resize: vertical;
36 padding: 0rem 1.25rem;
37 line-height: 1rem;
38 max-width: 80%;
39 margin-right: 1rem;
40 font-family: inherit;
41 }
42 .search-bar-simple input:focus {
43 outline: none;
44 border: 2px solid #468847;
45 background-color: #fff;
46 box-shadow: none;
47 -webkit-transition: box-shadow .5s,border-color .25s ease-in-out;
48 transition: box-shadow .5s,border-color .25s ease-in-out;
49 }
50 .search-bar-simple button {
51 background: #005198;
52 border-radius: .4rem;
53 border: none;
54 color: #fff;
55 cursor: pointer;
56 display: inline-block;
57 padding: 1rem 2rem;
58 text-decoration: none;
59 font-weight: bold;
60 text-align: center;
61 }
62 .search-bar-simple button:hover {
63 background-color: #006ece;
64 transition: all .4s ease;
65 color: #fff;
66 }
67 .search-bar-simple button svg {
68 fill:#fff;
69 }
70 .search-bar-keywords-input-wrapper {
71 display: flex;
72 align-items: center;
73 justify-content: center;
74 }
75 .facet-checkbox-label {
76 cursor: pointer;
77 }
78 .search-total-label {
79 padding-top: 1rem;
80 margin: 0 !important;
81 text-align: center;
82 background-color:#fafafa;
83 }
84 .search-total-label{
85 text-align:center;
86 padding: 2rem 2rem 0;
87 }
88 .lexicon-icon-search{
89 width:1.25rem;
90 height:1.25rem;
91 }
92 .search-total-label { /* MKTG-1030 - Ocultar resultados de búsqueda de mientras no tenemos acceso a estos campos propios de Liferay */
93 display:none;
94 }
95 /** MKTG-2155:init fix alineación liferay **/
96 .pagination-bar > nav {
97 width:100%;
98 }
99 /** MKTG-2155:end **/
103 /* [MKTG-1595] TODO: Cuando se realice la migración completa a 7.4, inyectar estos estilos en el tema
104 Seguramente con quitar los display: none del mix-content bastara */
105 .pagination-bar .pagination .page-item #ffek____, .pagination-bar .pagination .page-item #kwsw____, .pagination-bar .pagination .page-item #fehs____ {
106 display: block;
107 }
110<#--MKTG-1196: US Date format -->
111<#assign domain = themeDisplay.getPortalDomain() />
112<#assign dateFormat = "dd MMM yyyy"/>
113<#if (domain?contains("us")) || (domain?contains("interlake")) >
114 <#assign dateFormat = "MMMMMMMMM d, yyyy" />
117<#assign cdn = (mlxUrlUtilService.getCdn(groupId))!"" />
119<div class="corporate--logistics--articles--container">
120 <#if entries?hasContent>
121 <div class="corporate--logistics--articles">
122 <ul class="corporate--logistics--articles--list">
123 <#list entries as document>
124 <#assign article = mlxAssetHelperService.fetchLatestApprovedArticle(getterUtil.getLong(document.getClassPK())!0)!"" >
125 <#if article?hasContent>
126 <#assign articleUrl = mlxUrlUtilService.getUrlByJournalArticle(article, themeDisplay.getLanguageId(), themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId()) >
127 <#assign articleValues = mlxJournalHelperService.getStructureFieldValues(article, themeDisplay.getLanguageId()) >
128 <#assign articleName = (articleValues["article_name"])!"" >
129 <#assign description = (articleValues["description"])!"" />
132 <#assign image = (articleValues["image_list"]?replace('\\u','\\x')?replace('<[^>]+>','','r')?replace('<\\/i>','')?replace('<i>','')) />
133 <#attempt><#assign image = image?eval!"" />
134 <#assign imageJSON = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(image)!{} />
135 <#assign imageUUID = imageJSON.getString("uuid")!"" />
136 <#assign articleImageUrl = mlxDocumentsHelperService.getDocumentUrlFromUUID(imageUUID, locale)!"" />
137 <#recover>
138 <#assign articleImageUrl = "" />
139 </#attempt>
140 <#assign currStr = article.DDMStructureKey />
141 <#assign publicDate="" />
143 <li class="corporate--logistics--articles--list-item">
144 <article class="corporate--logistics--articles--item">
145 <#if articleImageUrl?hasContent>
146 <figure class="corporate--logistics--articles--item-figure">
147 <a href="${articleUrl}" title="${articleName}">
148 <#assign imgUrl = cdn + articleImageUrl />
149 <#assign imgWidth = '320'>
150 <#assign imgTitle = articleName>
151 <#assign imgAlt = articleName>
152 <#assign imgClass = 'corporate--logistics--articles--item-image'>
153 <#assign urlParamConcat = imgUrl?contains("?")?then("&","?")>
154 ${corporate.img(imgUrl + urlParamConcat + 'imwidth=' + imgWidth + '', true,
155 'alt="' + imgAlt + '"', 'title="' + imgTitle + '"', 'class="' + imgClass + '"'
156 'srcset="' + imgUrl + urlParamConcat + 'imwidth=320&imdensity=1 320w,' +
157 imgUrl + urlParamConcat + 'imwidth=640&imdensity=1 640w,' +
158 imgUrl + urlParamConcat + 'imwidth=640&imdensity=1 1024w,' +
159 imgUrl + urlParamConcat + 'imwidth=640&imdensity=1 2048w"')}
160 </a>
161 </figure>
162 </#if>
163 <h2 class="corporate--logistics--articles--item-heading">
164 <a class="corporate--logistics--articles--item-link" href="${articleUrl}" title="${articleName}">${articleName}</a>
165 </h2>
166 <span class="corporate--logistics--articles--item-date"><#assign publicDate = dateUtil.getDate(article.displayDate, dateFormat, locale, timeZoneUtil.getTimeZone("UTC")) />${publicDate!}</span>
167 <p class="corporate--logistics--articles--item-content">${description}</p>
168 </article>
169 </li>
170 <#else>
171 <#if entryClassPK?hasContent>
172 <li class="hide">${document.get("entryClassPK")!""}</li>
173 <#else>
174 <li class="hide">no entryClasPK</li>
175 </#if>
176 </#if>
177 </#list>
178 </ul>
179 </div>
180 <#else>
181 <section class="corporate--section">
182 <@corporate.mlxlanguage key="mlx.client.list.no-results" />
183 </section>
184 </#if>