Warehouse Organisation & Design

Searching for the tools and ideas to design an expert warehouse floor plan? Discover how to maximize space and productivity with the latest technology in racking and automated systems.

  • What is elastic logistics?

    What is elastic logistics?


    Elastic logistics is the ability to increase or reduce the resources in a warehouse to adapt to changes in demand. It makes it possible to adjust the production lines or dispatch process to current product demand without incurring more warehouse operating costs.

  • Procurement in logistics: the key to efficient service

    Procurement in logistics: the key to efficient service


    Procurement in logistics comprises purchasing the materials necessary for manufacturing or selling a product. Effective procurement management is essential to ensure that the company has the raw materials required at all times.

  • Benefits of gamification tools in logistics

    Benefits of gamification tools in logistics


    Gamification tools in logistics comprise game-based learning techniques aimed at promoting strategic objectives. Applied to logistics, gamification consists of developing, implementing, and supporting more entertaining operations that increase operator throughput.

  • Takt time: what it is and how it's calculated

    Takt time: what it is and how it's calculated


    Takt time denotes the time that should be used to manufacture a product in order to meet customer demand. To calculate it, divide the time available for producing a good by the number of units ordered by the customer.

  • Supply chain management: the key to efficiency

    Supply chain management: the key to efficiency


    Supply chain management: carrying this out effectively is essential for ensuring full traceability of a product throughout all the phases it undergoes. This is achieved through coordination between all the stakeholders involved in the creation, storage and delivery of the item to the end customer.

  • Additive manufacturing: 3D printing digitizes production

    Additive manufacturing: 3D printing digitizes production


    Additive manufacturing is a production process in which objects are created by adding layers of material, similar to 3D printing. As opposed to traditional processes, a digital model is used, without the need for moulds.

  • Poka-yoke explained in 5 examples

    Poka-yoke explained in 5 examples


    Poka-yoke is a work method that facilitates the detection and elimination of errors in production and logistics processes. Through poka-yoke, companies can continuously improve their processes and avoid mistakes that could tarnish the firm’s image.

  • Continuous improvement: applications in logistics

    Continuous improvement: applications in logistics


    Continuous improvement techniques are a set of strategies designed to optimise a company’s processes. In this post, we’ll tell you all about continuous improvement and how it can benefit logistics.

  • Supply chain resilience: how to achieve it

    Supply chain resilience: how to achieve it


    A resilient supply chain is one that can effectively overcome any disruptions that may occur. Its main objective is to ensure that storage, order prep, and delivery are carried out as per the conditions previously agreed upon with the customer.

  • EOQ formula: the key to optimal stock management

    EOQ formula: the key to optimal stock management


    How often should you place an order with a supplier? The EOQ formula is a mathematic calculation for optimising inventory management in the warehouse. By taking the demand, the price of the materials and the cost of storage, this formula can calculate when to acquire a product and in what quantity.

  • Intralogistics: a competitive advantage

    Intralogistics: a competitive advantage


    Intralogistics encompasses all movements of raw materials and finished products taking place within a company. The incorporation of new technology has made it possible to precisely organise these movements while reducing costs and time.

  • Palletisation: the importance of getting it right

    Palletisation: the importance of getting it right


    Palletisation is the logistics process consisting of placing goods together on top of a pallet to consolidate the load, making it easier to transport. Although e-commerce has increased the use of boxes as a customary unit load in warehouses, pallets remain a vital part of logistics operations.

  • Types of logistics in the supply chain

    Types of logistics in the supply chain


    Logistics encompasses all the stages from a product’s manufacture to its delivery to the end customer. We can differentiate between the various types of logistics according to the stage the product is in or the operation being carried out at a given time.

  • On-demand warehousing for more flexible logistics

    On-demand warehousing for more flexible logistics


    On-demand warehousing is the evolution of 3PL: the outsourcing of logistics services for a short period of time. With increasingly global markets, flexibility and scalability are key concepts for understanding the rise of on-demand warehousing.

  • Overstock: how to avoid it

    Overstock: how to avoid it


    Overstock or excess inventory stems from errors in planning and coordination between the sales and/or purchasing departments and the warehouse. However, the issue of overstock can be resolved by means of intralogistics solutions that ensure productivity.

  • Unitisation: ensuring load safety

    Unitisation: ensuring load safety


    Unitisation is the act of grouping and preparing various items into different unit loads that facilitate their handling and transfer. Its objective is to ensure the integrity of the products during transportation, which is essential for the success of all supply chain operations.

  • MOQ (minimum order quantity): striking a balance

    MOQ (minimum order quantity): striking a balance


    The minimum order quantity or MOQ refers to the very least number of units of a product a supplier is willing to sell. Suppliers use the minimum order quantity to offset production and ensure a profit margin for each order purchased by customers.

  • Cleanrooms: how to eliminate contaminants

    Cleanrooms: how to eliminate contaminants


    Businesses in the food, cosmetics and chemical industries use cleanrooms to manufacture their products. In the warehouse, automatic conveyors securely connect cleanrooms to the other areas in the installation.

  • Spare parts warehouse: how should you organise it?

    Spare parts warehouse: how should you organise it?


    Spare parts warehouse: organising one optimally means being able to prepare a large volume of orders simultaneously and managing an immense inventory. In our article, we’ll show you the key strategies and systems for managing an installation for spare parts.